Recently, a colleague asked “Since you are so happy writing, shouldn’t you be doing it full time when you ever retire?”
I answered when that day ever arrives, I would consider it but would not likely to do so. This seems like a great topic for a blog.
Why full-time writing is a better option:
A full-time writer in theory would have the following advantages:
- Some feel that this makes their efforts more real and gives them a higher status.
- They can dedicate more time to their works or produce more works in a shorter time period.
- They can do a deeper research on a topic.
- They can take advantage of various social and online resources that part-time writers cannot.
- It may be more rewarding in other ways for a few of us.
Why part-time writing is a better option:
A part-time writer in theory would have the following advantages:
- Writing is seen as special and not as a job.
- A part-time writer can do pretty much a full-time writer can in terms of output, research, and using online resources. It just takes longer.
- Writing in smaller time periods keeps things fresh.
- They have more time to do other things.
The advantage and disadvantage of this choice are different for each person depending on economic circumstances, personality, desire to write, self-discipline, and writing topics covered. Also, what may be a clear path to choose one day may look like a bad selection the next.
So reflect on what will work best for you. Because writing is always a journey, an ongoing process, and never a single point in time.