Category Archives: Site News

What’s Planned for 2013?

This is the second in a series of year-end/year start blogs. The year in review was covered here.

2013 should be a productive year of publishing. I have two books from last year that are almost done with editing:

  1. Olivia Plymouth: Misadventures in Boston: From running in the Boston marathon, taking on FIT (Fashion Is Terror), solving a colonial mystery, helping with sister’s Rose wedding, or fitting time in for her boyfriend, Olivia is a busy young woman! How she deals with it all makes for an amusing and captivating story.
  2. Corporate Intent: Missing Owner?: My fastest-selling series goes deeper into this futuristic world of dysfunctional corporations presented as a mystery thriller. Someone is stealing the owner’s of various businesses. Then they take over the business and run it into the ground. Can the DCRI investigation team sift through the untruths and subterfuges to solve what is really taking place?

Currently, I am writing what could be the last in the Corporate Intent series (depending on reader interest) — Missing Company? Could the life that you thought you had disappear in a minute and look as if it never happened? The DCRI team has never thought so out of the box to solve a mystery before — a mystery that has galactic implications!

That are the commitments so far. What is being considered is the following:

  1. Publishing a unfinished work on IT which was written as the same time as the Olivia series.
  2. Write a collection of short stories. This may include samples from earlier unpublished works.
  3. Continue on with the Olivia Plymouth and Amazi series.

That covers it for now. I am wishing all my readers throughout the world a happy, safe, and productive 2013.

Radio Silence

I’ve been quiet for a couple of weeks and wanted to say what was going on. I’ve been working on three activities simultaneously:

  1. Revising Olivia Plymouth Book #2 Misadventures in Boston. This has included some trimming (such as eliminating unneeded sections like the description of the Boston Subway System) and streamlining. It is will take some time because it is a big book. Previously the cover was released.
  2. Revising Corporate Intent #1: Missing Employees. More background material was added and other changes were made. Previously the cover was released.
  3. Writing Corporate Intent Book #2 Missing Owner. What a rush!!! This is WAY more intense than book #1 and the DCRI gang is threatened and the organization is pushed like never before. Along the way, ideas for Book#3 came forth.

This will take me some time to complete and I’ll let you know on my progress.

Audio, Samples, New Covers!

So many new links that they deserved a new announcement!

Amazi Chronicles Series: Book #1 Automations for Peace has FREE Audio and Abridged Versions.

Audio Versions are available here.

Abridged Versions:

Olivia Plymouth Series Book #1 Brazilian Quest has FREE Audio and Abridged Versions.

Audio Version

Abridged Versions

The book covers for the next two books are shown!

Corporate Intent Series: #1 Missing Employees?

Olivia Plymouth Series: #2 Misadventures in Boston

Works in Progress and Quizzes

Hello everyone. Thanks for reading the Olivia Plymouth and Amazi Chronicles series! For those with time on their hands, please try out the quiz for both books:

Take the Amazi Chronicles Quiz
Take the Olivia Plymouth Quiz

Also New

My reading Joyous Travel with the Wrong Suitcase!
My reading How I Overcame My Inventors Block!

Next Out The Door!

If all goes as expected, two books should be out the door by year end
Olivia Plymouth Book #2: Misadventures in Boston:
Olivia Plymouth, the charming young fashion consultant that overtakes too much in a humorous way may have met her match in this book. Running in the Boston Marathon,helping her sister’s wedding, doing a speaking engagement, and trying to keep her boyfriend happy. Is there even time for a 300 year old mystery? The answer to this question is a delightful and delicious adventure that will be online soon.

Corporate Intent Series: Book #1 Missing Employees?
A fantasy-mystery about a dystopian world where companies have eroded personal rights. Against this backdrop, a small but able research unit attempts to unmask well hidden corporate secrets — at their own peril.
The book tries to unlock the inner workings of Impenetrable Consulting and its owners — the battling Arcane brothers. Will it be successful? You’ll have to read to find the answer!